Witness is a southern gospel male quartet, specializing in 4 part harmony of songs with a message of Jesus Christ.
Witness is a southern gospel male quartet, specializing in 4 part harmony of songs with a message of Jesus Christ.
We try to accept any booking as long as all four of us are available for that date, and generally we sing in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and have even performed in North Carolina. Our Ministry is to sing of Salvation in Christ Jesus.
We all love singing gospel songs. Our Tenor singer, Sam Hinkle performs at weddings, with special choral groups and churches. Our Bass singer, Dan Sink also sings with his mother, sister, wife and two daughters as The Sink Family, and he sings in "scrap iron groups" at regular church services - as do Allen and Stacy since the three of us are members at the Franklin Separate Baptist church.
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